Statement Savings
Jump-start your journey to a brighter future.
Sure, it's smart to have an emergency fund. But you can also save for something big, something fun, something that brings a boatload of joy to the people you love. Every time you deposit money into a Luzerne Bank Statement Savings account, you're one step closer to making wishes come true.
- Variable Rate
- $5.00 monthly fee if balance falls below $100 on any day of the month
- Access funds from Pennsylvania or anywhere else with Online Banking or our mobile app1, 2, 3
- Convenient Phone Banking and Text Banking1, 2, 3
- Deposits up to $250,000 insured by FDIC
Luzerne Bank is a full-service financial institution headquartered in Williamsport and serving customers in Central and Northeast Pennsylvania.
1 Check with your cell phone provider before accessing these options. Luzerne Bank does not charge fees for this service but your cell phone provider may. Luzerne Bank is not responsible for any fees you may be charged by your cell phone provider.
2 A Luzerne Bank account and Internet Banking are needed to sign up for Mobile Banking.
3 Enrollment required.
Fees could reduce earnings.